Refer a Young Carer

Make a referral to Winchester & District Young Carers.

Referring a Young Carer to Winchester & District Young Carers is a straightforward process and can be done by filling in the form below. One of our expert team will review your referral and be in touch within 7 – 10 days. 

The information you submit here will be held on a secure database that is only shared between our Hampshire Young Carers Alliance partners. Information kept on this database is strictly confidential. 

To complete the referral form you will need details of: 

  • The young person and the nature of their caring responsibilities 
  • Young person D.O.B and school
  • The impact of caring on the child or young person 
  • The person being cared for and their level of need 
  • Family make-up and structure 
  • Parent or guardian contact details
  • Details of any support in place for the young person and/or family

Who can refer a Young Carer to Winchester & District Young Carers?

Families or professionals across a range of agencies can refer into the project. We receive referrals from parents, schools, local organisations, GPs, Children’s Services, Family Support Workers and many more.

What makes someone a Young Carer?

Caring roles vary and can involve physical, personal and/or emotional support.

Any young person who is under 18 that lives with a family member who has a long-term illness, physical disability, mental ill health, learning difficulty or addiction to drugs or alcohol is a Young Carer and can be referred to us. 

Click here for more information.

I’m concerned for the wellbeing of a Young Carer, who can I speak to?

If you have an immediate concern for the safety or welfare of a child, please call the police or Hampshire Children’s Services –0300 555 1384. If there is no immediate risk of harm please provide details in your referral to us and we can support or signpost/refer to other services where appropriate.

Does a Young Carer need to give their consent to be referred? 

Ideally, yes. We ask that the Young Carer is aware of the referral being made. Some Young Carers may not realise they are a young carer, in these cases we would support them to gain a better understanding.

What will happen once I’ve completed a referral form? 

Your referral will be allocated to a member of staff, and someone will be in touch. If you have any queries or need to talk to us about a referral, please contact us.

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