Forms Test

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Young Carer Details

Young carer name

GP Details

GP address

Medical Consent

Does your child suffer from?

Media Consent

I consent to my child being in photos / videos that maybe be published on our website or on our social media platforms to raise the profile of young carers and the services we offer.

Emergency Contact Information

Second emergency contact
Second emergency contact address details
Third emergency contact
Third emergency contact address details
Confidentiality statement: I consent to my information being held on a database which is shared with the Hampshire Young Carers Alliance. I accept that the responsibility to provide up to date information is my own and will endeavour to provide this as and when applicable. We will keep all information about your family confidential. However, we will share some information on a ‘need to know’ basis if it will enhance the service provision to your child and family. If we have concerns for the safety or wellbeing of a young person or someone else we will pass this on to authorities without your consent, wherever possible we will endeavour to inform you before we do so.